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The Portman Group’s alcohol guidelines: A quiet revolution in the UK alcohol sector

Published:  11 October, 2024

James Bayley finds the UK alcohol industry is, more than ever, taking the Portman Group’s guidelines on board when it comes to drinks labelling.


On ‘Clean’ wine – ambiguity among the vines

Published:  20 August, 2020

Wine is an odd consumable. It’s a drug, it isn’t legally required to list ingredients, and it’s often described with vague, ambiguous terms. In the wake of the natural wine movement and the age of ‘wellness’, it was just a matter of time until a brand tried to hoodwink us. Quickest to the mark were Cameron Diaz and Katherine Power with ‘clean wine’, Avaline.


West Country turns out for SITT Bristol

Published:  19 September, 2017

Yesterday saw the highly popular SITT show return to Bristol, with a high turnover of visitors and strongly positive response from the wine and spirits industry of the West Country.